17th MAY 2024

Three Suffolk masonic orders working together for our community…

Craft, Mark and Royal Arch masonic orders all worked together this week to help Suffolk Charity Bumblebee’s. When Roger Young the Master of Suffolk Installed Masters lodge said he wanted to give the raffle money from their meeting to a local charity, the members decided to pull together to try and increase the funds to give. So, The Prince of Wales Lodge, Freeman Mark Lodge and Hartismere Chapter all put their money together which the Province of Suffolk then kindly match funded with an additional £1000. This gave an amazing total of £2500 for the charity.

After the masonic meeting held in Felixstowe the members together with partners and wives were given a talk on the Bumblebees Children’s Charity by Ms Bernadette Patai from the charity and the difference it can make to the children’s lives, many of those watching were moved by the stories and the difference this charity makes to our community. Mr William Petersen the Charity's Chairman was presented and told us “This money will help towards the running costs and to enable the charity to expand its operations in Suffolk, he went on to say how children and their family’s lives are changed by the generosity of Suffolk Freemasonry and others that give to keep their services operating and how they rely solely on peoples funding” The charity was expecting a small donation of a few hundred pounds but were shocked and delighted to be presented with over £2500, representatives of Prince of Wales Lodge, Freeman Mark lodge and Hertismere Chapter were all present.

Master of Suffolk Installed, Roger Young said, “It was great that three of our orders pulled together in this way and managed to increase the giving, this demonstrates the power of Freemasonry in Suffolk and the generosity of its members, I cannot thank you all enough”